TSAElement's Articles In Object Desktop
December 11, 2005 by TSAElement
So I'm new to all of this, but I'm catching on quick. Anyway I'm having a problem with Desktop X. I create new shortcut objects, after which I change them to show the icon associated with the shortcut. But for some reason everytime I try to apply the changes Desktop X shuts down without saving the changes. Does anyone know how to correct this problem?
December 21, 2005 by TSAElement
This question is for Frogboy, I didnt know exactly how to contact you directly so I figured I'd put a general post up. I was inspired to write my own widget when I saw your "Fishy" widget. After looking at your png files I was curious to ask what image editing software your using? I was asking just because it seems difficult to do in Photoshop, if you could let me know what you used that would be great, thanks.
March 18, 2006 by TSAElement
 I've recently created a widget and would like to use it on my desktop when DX isn't running. I've exported it and told it to boot when my system starts up. But the only problem is that it places itself randomly on the screen when it starts up. Does anyone know what I can do to make it start up in the same position everytime.
February 27, 2006 by TSAElement
I was curious if anyone could tell me how to change the size of the horizontal taskbar background. I'm sure this is an extremely unintelligent question, so I guess I have to place it on my ignorance since this is only my third time producing a skin. In any case if someone could let me know I would appreciate it.
January 17, 2006 by TSAElement
Does anyone know if its possible to make the program menu background transparent? I tried using tga files but it doesnt allow for transparaencys. Does anyone know a way around this?
December 13, 2005 by TSAElement
I've recently found out that Microsoft has instructed Kol to remove VistaXP WB and VS from his website and any other website that contains it. I learned of this after an apparent untimely reformat. Therefore I'm looking for anyone who might have a copy of VistaXP WB that I could get. I'd appreciate it very much.